Easy. Simple. Reliable. Low Cost.

Secure video. 

Waiting Room.

Secure messaging. 

SMS notifications.

Document or file sharing.

Virtual check-ins(forms/intakes/questionnaires).

Practice branding.

HIPAA compliant and secure.

Multi-device (web, Android and IOS)

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Telehealth Secure Video

Remote telehealth visits can be from a patient's home, or in a local clinic environment for the patient with remote medical expertise available for the video visit.

Providers can also record the eVisits if desired.

  • Adds convenience for the patient
  • Enables better coverage for key medical staff and physicians rather than commuting between hospitals, and multiple clinics
  • Collaborate provider to provider along the patient's care path
  • Saves time, hassle, and allows you to see more patients
Photo by DragonImages/iStock / Getty Images


Safely and securely exchange messages with your patients, or other care team providers. You can associate these digital conversations to the patient record automatically.

Send text messages, images, or pictures as well as annotate and share them safely and securely via mobile app or internet browser. Receive convenient notifications when a patient or another provider has sent you a message.

Enables quicker response and more convenient interactions for patients and providers allowing easy and mobile communications, while at the same time keeping control of your current care workflows without interuptions.

Photo by Wavebreakmedia/iStock / Getty Images

Forms and Check-in's

You can easily create digital forms and check-ins from intake forms to digital Check-in's to monitor a patients progress, pain level, pictures, activities, and gather any feedback or problems along their continuum.

Designate the timing, frequency, and change the follow-up questions through your own customized care protocols based on your own criteria (procedure, patient demographic, recovery schedule, etc.).

Easier for Patients -- Easier For Providers.

  • Know when they are on or off-track of their plan, and if they need your help
  • Receive automated notifications when episodes are cost risks and off-target
  • Provide better quality of care for patients
  • Analyze your episodes at patient group level for care and cost success factors
Photo by simpson33/iStock / Getty Images

Patient Engagement, Outcomes & Analytics

You can create customized patient engagement interactions to monitor a patients progress, pain level, activities, and gather any feedback or problems along their continuum.

You can utilize common industry and condition outcome surveys (HOOS, KOOS, VR-12, RAND-36, etc.), patient satisfaction surveys and more. You can't improve what you don't measure.

You can then analyze these outcomes and scores at a patient level, or analyze them across your patient group and segmentation populations.

See your patient's trend. See your patient population's trends. Powerful.